32 films with unbearable endings
The ending is not only unfortunate, but also completely disappointing.
1. flock of birds ( 1963 )
scriptwriter: Evan Hunt
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Story outline: The town of Podga Bay and the upper-class socialite Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedron) are frightened.
ending: despite her serious injuries, Melanie escapes with Mickey Brenner (played by Rod Taylor) and her family. But the radio reported that the bird attack had taken place on a large scale, and the final footage showed thousands of birds preparing to attack.
2. & nbsp; Night of the living Dead ( 1968 )
produced : tainment (Elite Entertainment)
scriptwriter: George A Romero, John A Russell
Story outline:
ending: everyone is dead except Ben. Ben barely survived the night. In the morning, he heard the police coming to kill the remaining zombies, and Ben was shot as a zombie.
3. & nbsp; Planet of the Apes ( 1968 )
produced by 20th Century Fox
scriptwriter : Michael Wilson /Rodtherin
ending : Taylor runs into the distance-falling on the ruins of the Statue of Liberty. The planet is indeed Earth, but everyone Taylor knows is already dead and humans have destroyed themselves.
4. & nbsp; 1968 )
produced by Paramount Pictures
screenwriter: Roman Polanski Ella Levin
Director: Casavitz (played by Casavitz) works with those around her to force her to conceive the son of the devil.
ending: people told Rosemary that her baby was dead at birth. Soon, she found the real child and learned that he was the son of Satan. Unable to kill her son Adrian, Rosemary joined the cult and accepted the role of anti-Jesus mother.
5. & nbsp; Midnight Cowboy ( 1969 )
produced by United Artists (Joint Artist)
scriptwriter : Waldo Salter
Director: John Schlesinger
Story outline : Joe Barker from Texas Later, he was fooled by the sick strongman "Little Mouse" Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman).
ending: Joe tricked money to buy a bus ticket in Florida and wanted to take Raz there for medical treatment. Joe realized that Ratz had died on the bus, but the driver refused to stop. Joe had to hold his friend's body in his arms.
6 " carefree riding 1969 )
Columbia Pictures
scriptwriter: Peter Fonda /Dennis Hopper /Terry Soze
Story outline: hippie White (Peter Fang Fang) Use the black money earned to buy a motorcycle and go to New Orleans for the Carnival.
ending: White and Billy plan to ride a motorcycle to Florida and try to settle down here with the money they earn, but they are attacked by angry locals. They shoot Billy and White tries to save Billy, but the locals hit the fuel tank of the motorcycle and he is killed in the explosion.
7. & nbsp; 1970 )
It is every girl’s dream to look her absolute best in maternity prom dresses. Our newest arrivals are waiting for you!
produced by 20th Century Fox
screenwriter: Paul Dean
Director : Ted Post
ending: the orangutan kills Taylor's human companion Nova (Linda Harrison). Brent was shot and killed, Taylor was fatally wounded, and at the last minute he detonated a doomsday bomb, destroying the entire planet and everyone on it.
8. & nbsp; pagan ( 1973 )
produced by Lionsgate
scriptwriter: Anthony Shaffanyending: the orangutan kills Taylor's human companion Nova (Linda Harrison). Brent was shot and killed, Taylor was fatally wounded, and at the last minute he detonated a doomsday bomb, destroying the entire planet and everyone on it.
8. & nbsp; pagan ( 1973 )
produced by Lionsgate
Story outline >
ending: Howie saved Roman during the sacrifice ceremony-only to learn that he was the sacrifice they had always wanted, and Roman had been involved in the plot from the beginning. Howie was burned alive by a giant wicker.
9. & nbsp; "Chinatown" ( 1974
produced by Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures)ending: Howie saved Roman during the sacrifice ceremony-only to learn that he was the sacrifice they had always wanted, and Roman had been involved in the plot from the beginning. Howie was burned alive by a giant wicker.
9. & nbsp; "Chinatown" ( 1974
Director: Roman Polanski
Story outline: Private Detective Jack Goetz (Jack Nicholson)
ending: Jack learns that Evelyn's sister Catherine (Belinda Palmer) is still her daughter, born after her father Noah Queiroz (John Houston) raped her. In the end, Evelyn was shot dead by the police, and Cross took Catherine away.
10. Leap over the Bedlam ( 1975 )
produced by United Artists (United artists)
screenwriter : Bo Goodman
Director: Milos Forman
Story outline Randall McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) rebelled to challenge her authority.
ending: after head nurse Rachel humiliates Billy (Brad Dorif), Billy commits suicide. McMurphy hit Rachel and was punished for a white matter resection of the forebrain. The chief (Weir Sampson) strangles McMurphy, who suffers from ankylosing syncope, and pushes him out of the sea of suffering.
11 & nbsp; "Human abnormal shape" ( 1978 )
produced by United Artists United artists)screenwriter: W.D. Richter
Director: Philip Kaufman
Story outline : health inspector Matthew Benard (Donald Sutherland) learns that humans are being replaced by emotionless alien pods.
produced by United Artists (United artists)
screenwriter : Bo Goodman
Director: Milos Forman
Story outline Randall McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) rebelled to challenge her authority.
ending: after head nurse Rachel humiliates Billy (Brad Dorif), Billy commits suicide. McMurphy hit Rachel and was punished for a white matter resection of the forebrain. The chief (Weir Sampson) strangles McMurphy, who suffers from ankylosing syncope, and pushes him out of the sea of suffering.
11 & nbsp; "Human abnormal shape" ( 1978 )
produced by United Artists United artists)produced by United Artists (United artists)
screenwriter : Bo Goodman
Director: Milos Forman
Story outline Randall McMurphy (Jack Nicholson) rebelled to challenge her authority.
ending: after head nurse Rachel humiliates Billy (Brad Dorif), Billy commits suicide. McMurphy hit Rachel and was punished for a white matter resection of the forebrain. The chief (Weir Sampson) strangles McMurphy, who suffers from ankylosing syncope, and pushes him out of the sea of suffering.
11 & nbsp; "Human abnormal shape" ( 1978 )
screenwriter: W.D. Richter
Director: Philip Kaufman
ending: Matthew's friend Nancy (Veronica Calvert) successfully avoids the fate of being copied, and she finds Matthew. She shouted to him, but Matthew answered in a shrill alien scream, indicating that Nancy was the only human left.
produced by Universal Pictures (Global)
screenwriter: Terry Gilliam Tom Stoppard.
Government employee Sam Laurie (Jonathan Press) tries to save a woman from his dream (played by Kim Grace).
ending: Sam escapes from the strange dream world, only to find himself and Jill in the same car, and they drive away happily. In fact, Sam was still tied to the stool he sat on during his interrogation, completely crazy.
13. & nbsp; "the Terminator" ( 1988 )
produced by MGM (MGM)
Director: Steve Di Jamat
Story outline: Harry (Anthony)
ending: Harry and Julie are finally reunited. But the helicopter that rescued them was shot down as it flew away, fell into a tar pit in La Brea, and the plane was hit by a nuclear warhead, and they knew all hope was gone.
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produced : Criterion (Standard Pictures)
Story outline: Rex Hoffman (acted the role of)
ending: the kidnapper Raymond Le Moni (played by Bernard Piari Donaldio) said, Rex has to go through what Sass has been through before he can reveal what happened. He drugged Rex, who was locked up, and Rex woke up to find himself buried alive.